Tara Hand Pump
This handpump is designed by UNICEF for lifting water from borewells with static water level not exceeding 15m.
- They are more cost-effective than other pumps for medium lifts (upto 15 m) and are safe from bacteriological contamination since all underground parts are made of non-corrosive materials like PVC or Stainless Steel.
- Cheaper than pumps which use MS riser Pipes.
- 100% corrosion resistant
- High Discharge-gives water both in the upward as well as the downward stroke.
The Tara Direct Action is one of the most successful medium lifts pumps. These pumps are used very extensively in India , Bangladesh, Laos, other parts of East Asia and Africa.
SKI is the largest suppliers of TARA Hand pumps to Assam where these pumps are used extensively.

Tara Handpump is a revolutionary product which gives water in both the upward as well as the downward stroke of the handle.Since all the underground parts are made of non-corrosive material like PVC and Stainless Steel., the pump is extremely durable over the years.This is also a VLOM ( Village Level Operation & Maintenance ) Pump like India Mark III
These handpumps are designed for lifting water from bore wells with static water level not exceeding 15 m. They are more cost effective than the Deep well handpumps for medium lifts and are safer from bacteriological contamination and corrosion problems.
There is also a LAOS Modified TARA Hand Pump version which is used in Hand Dug Wells in Lao PDR and is much cheaper than the usual TARA pump.
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